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Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 17: To Journey and Overcome Obstacles

The pandemic has greatly changed our lives as a family. We have become separated because of medical reasons.

Lifting the Veil (Is. 25: 6-8; Phil 4:20; Mt 22:1-14)

One of the favorite images seen all through the Scriptures is the feast, the sumptuous banquet overflowing, as Isaiah pictures it, with “juicy, rich food and choice wines.”

The Forgotten Part of “What Must Be Done”

When St. Vincent asked  “What must be done?” he looked beyond what was always done. Is there a better way of doing what we have always done?

Deeds, Indeed, and Not Just Words

Jesus embodies the truth that good deeds are love and not good words and reasons.  Do we really live up to this truth? We are often encouraged to love God (SV.EN XI:32).  “But let it be with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brows.”  That is to say, love...

Blessed curse

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), February 15, 2015 – Lev 13, 1-2. 45-46; 1 Cor 10, 31 – 11, 1; Mk 1, 40-45 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ (1 Cor 11, 1) Jesus bears our infirmities and endures our sufferings. His true followers follow his example. A leper...

All eyes and ears

To set before you an ideal (1 Cor 7, 35) Jesus is the great prophet God raised up from among us at the coming of the time of fulfillment. He teaches with God’s authority. God acknowledges that we are right, those of us who do not want to die listening to his words...