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The Situation of the Poor in our Cities • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

On either side of a filthy sewer rise houses five stories high, many of which shelter fifty families. Low, damp, and noxious rooms; [...] no paper, often not a single piece of furniture, hides the nakedness of the wretched walls. In a house of the Rue des Lyonnais we...

The Pope Video • For those fleeing their own countries

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For those fleeing their own countries.

“Unknown Caller”… the Body of Christ

Do we really listen to the calls of the poor… or send their cries to voicemail or spam folders?

Following Mother Seton’s Path Into the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Devotion to the Sacred Heart teaches us that the way of the saints is not about an abstract ideal or rules for life, but about the unfathomable love of God, who we embrace—blood, sweat and all. The objection I often feel when I see a picture honoring the Sacred Heart...
Beginnings in Eden and in the Desert

Beginnings in Eden and in the Desert

Jesus obeys to the point of death on a cross.  He does so to lead us to God and to the beginnings in Eden and in the desert, and to make us all just, washed in the waters of new birth.  Jesus stays in the desert for forty days, which sends us back, in the first place,...