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Vincentian Advent Reflections 2023 – Week 3

The Lord Jesus will speak to us through contact with those we serve.

Did Jesus Contradict Himself?

The editors of Commonweal caught my attention! The editorial titled “Advent in a Time of War” pointed to a contradiction I had never thought of.

Active Waiting (Mark 1:1-8)

The Advent message? Not only to welcome the Lord’s arrival, but also to take the kinds of steps which ease His birthing among us.

Why Did I Create Mindwalk?

Either hopefully conveys a space where people feel comfortable in talking with friends that matter, about things that matter.

Alert to the Dangers the World Poses

Alert to the Dangers the World Poses

Jesus is the cry that seek to alert us of the risks that we run.  For we live in a world that fosters individualism and hoarding. Not a few of Jesus’ teachings, the paradoxes in particular, raise eyebrows and puzzle.  Through them, he holds those who hear him...

Alert to the Dangers the World Poses

Vanity of Vanities, All Is Vanity

Jesus is clear-headedness in person.  He brings to light the vanity, the emptiness, of the life of those who love and serve money. Jesus grants and does not grant what a man who feels disinherited asks him to do.  For, in the first place, the Teacher says  “no.”  He...