
Her Doing Heart: Key Relationships in Elizabeth Seton’s Life (Part 2)

Sr. Margaret John Kelly, DC, wrote the following excellent article on Mother Seton. In this series we present her article in six parts. (Part 2)

The Light That Beckons (Mt 2: 1-12)

Stories can bring delight. And if there ever was a story that has sparked delight among believers, it’s the one about those three travelers from the East…

Vincent As a Seeker

Some time ago, I offered a reflection on “The Magi School For Seekers.” It was based on a homily Pope Francis gave, presenting the Magi as showing the path for modern-day “seekers.”

Fill Our Life with Jesus Christ

Jesus is the bread of life.  Those whose life is full of him have their fill.  To go to him and to believe in him is to hunger and thirst no more. To fill their life with Jesus Christ is one of the things that missionaries are to remember (SV.EN:276). And all those,...
Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Risen from among Those Who Are Dead

Jesus, who died on the cross, has risen.  Hence, we cannot look for him among the dead, but among the living. Early in the morning, following the Sabbath right after Jesus’ death and burial, Mary of Magdala goes to the tomb.  Knowing what Mark and Luke say, we can...

The Passion of Christ

The Passion of Christ

The famous 2004 film, The Passion of The Christ, directed by Mel Gibson, depicted very vividly the passion which Jesus underwent, especially during the last twelve hours of his life here on earth.  The film opens up with a touching visualization of Jesus’ prayer...