
The Pope Video • For the gift of diversity in the Church

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For the gift of diversity in the Church

First Known Published Account of the Congregation of the Mission

This brief history of the Congregation of the Mission by an anonymous author is the first known published account (1656).

Your Favorite Image of God

Every family has favorites. Actually, there may be many favorites in a family depending on who you ask and their level of honesty. 

The birth of Jesus continues to change the world!

Christmas – what do Ukrainians today associate with this holiday? When does the preparation begin and how long does it last?

Grasp What Jesus Is, What He Says and Does

Grasp What Jesus Is, What He Says and Does

Jesus who is close to the Father’s heart makes him known to us.  It is crucial that we grasp what Jesus is, what he says and does. Those to whom Jesus speaks do not grasp what he teaches by way of a figure of speech.  And they are not the disciples but the Pharisees. ...