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Bottom Land (Mt 5:21)

We all know the phrase, “getting to the bottom of it.” It means digging down beneath the outside appearances to the inner core of something

Heard any Shocking Statements?

Heard any really “shocking statements” in the last 24 hours?

Contemplation: True Presence

This post originally appeared on Vincentians are doers, we are people of action. We love God, as St. Vincent said, “with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brows.” [CCD XI:32] We believe, as Frédéric did, that “religion serves best not to think,...

Sent Ones, Men and Women, of Jesus

As the Father sends him, so Jesus sends his disciples.  These sent ones carry out what their Teacher tells them to do.  By the sheer grace and will of God through Christ, the apostles preach, cast out many demons, and heal the sick. For they do not do so on their own;...
Go and See the Child Lying in the Manger

Favors, Blessings, Graces from God

Jesus, the one anointed with the Holy Spirit and sent by the Father, brings the Good News to the poor.  He proclaims the era of favors from heaven. The angel Gabriel comes to Mary. As he greets her, he does not say the name of the virgin betrothed to Joseph. Rather,...