
Options in Abuse: Homelessness or Domestic Violence

Abuse victims. “Why does she stay?” It’s a simple question. The answer is not.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #3: The Importance of Friends

I pray and ask the Almighty Father to help so many homeless poor people and to help people who are living in inadequate housing conditions … to help all these people find friends who welcome them and strengthen them.

Facial Recognition (Ps 145; Matthew 11:28-30)

Among the many obstacles thrown up at us in this time of Covid virus is “facial confusion,” the difficulty in reading the mood and disposition of the person talking to me from behind the mask.

“Normal”? Can Mice Teach Us Something?

“Who moved my Cheese” is a parable that describes how people face change.  It’s about 4 characters running around in a maze trying to locate their “cheese” or what is important to them.

Random acts of kindness

Baptism of the Lord (B), January 11, 2015 – Is 42, 1-4. 6-7; Acts 10, 34-38; Mk 1, 7-11 He went about doing good (Acts 10, 38) We the baptized are authentic followers of Jesus if we, in imitation of him, are God’s humble and suffering servants. Jesus humbly undergoes...

Take your pick

Epiphany of the Lord (B), January 4, 2015 – Is 60, 1-6; Eph 3, 2-3a. 5-6; Mt 2, 1-12 The Gentiles are coheirs (Eph 3, 6) Those who, like St. Elizabeth Seton, are open to others’ interests are guided to the light, while those who lock themselves up in their own...

Casa Santa Marta, not Palazzo Apostolico

Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (B), December 28, 2014 – Sir 3, 2-6. 12-14; Col 3, 12-21; Lk 2, 22-40 Put on … heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Col 3, 12) God wants us to be humble and holy in his sight. In Nazareth, sharing...