
Not Enough (Is 55; Rom 8:39; Mt 14:13-21)

An often-heard question: “Is there enough to go around?” Sometimes asked out of kindness, it can also arise out of fear.

How Do We Listen To the “Cries of the Poor”?

To listen deeply requires paying attention not just to the words but to understand the whole person. Is that the way we listen to the cries of people who are poor?

Strangers, Foreigners, There Are No More

Jesus makes one of the citizens and the strangers.  In him, there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female. Needs do not know borders, of nation or religion.  That is why both Jews and strangers have needs.  So, it does not surprise...

Vincentian Prayer Images: A Profile In Courage

The time a Daughter of Charity, Sr. Rosalie Rendu, stopped the fighting in the streets of Paris during the French Revolution.

The height of folly

Easter Sunday (B), April 5, 2015 – Acts 10, 34a. 37-43; Col 3, 1-4 or 1 Cor 5, 6b-8; Jn 20, 1-9 God raised him on the third day (Acts 10, 40) In the risen Jesus is the foolishness of the cross exalted. By the Lord has this been done! By grace Peter and the beloved...

Dying to live forever

Palm Sunday (B), March 29, 2015 – Mk 11, 1-10 or Jn 12, 12-16; Is 50, 4-7; Phil 2, 6-11; Mk 14, 1 – 15, 47 He humbled himself, becoming obedient to death (Phil 2, 8) Jesus does not come down from the cross to save himself. He thus opens for us the way of salvation....