
Voting As a Sacred Act: Prayer and Reflections

Together, let us join in prayer each day for peaceful and just elections using this prayer and reflection.

Happy and Glad Followers of Jesus

Jesus shows us by words and deeds what true happiness is.  That is because he wants us to be happy and glad to the fullest. Jesus proclaims happy the wretched in the eyes of the world.  That is to say, he breaks the mold:  he announces a counterculture; he fosters...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Asking Vincent About Patience

I wish I could be more patient and kind! Is this something you would hear Vincent talk about?

AIC Short Videos on the Vincentian Virtues, Part 3: Simplicity

Today we are happy to send you four video reflections on the Vincentian virtue of simplicity.

How do we define ourselves

How do we define ourselves

Fr. Tom McKenna  reflects on The Rich Young Man   (Mk. 10:17-22) and how we define ourselves in an essay “I …, Therefore I Am” “I …, Therefore I Am” In a philosophy class, a teacher asked, “What is your cogito?” I thought he meant some bone or other body part -- but...

Throne of Grace, Goodness and Mercy

Wide open

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), November 8, 2015 – 1 Kgs 17, 10-16; Heb 9, 24-28; Mk 12, 38-44 Not a sanctuary made by hands but heaven itself (Heb 9, 24) Jesus urges us to see to it that our surrender be like his. He wishes us divine fullness. Everything...

Father Pat Griffin on costumes

Father Pat Griffin on costumes

Father Pat Griffin continues his series Considering Consecrated Life with a reflection on costumes. “Costumes” In many areas, Halloween for children involves costume parties on that morning/afternoon more than wandering the streets “trick-or-treating.”  In some...

The Encounter Space – Fr. Tom McKenna

The Encounter Space – Fr. Tom McKenna

In The Encounter Space (Ephesians 2; Luke 6) Fr. Tom McKenna offers this reflection on the space where encounter takes place. Judging from some of Paul’s favorite imagery, he would have lined up closely behind one of Pope Francis’ favorite metaphors, “encounter,”...