
Lenten Conferences of Fr. Lacordaire No. 21

Lenten Series of reflections taken from the Conferences of the Rev. Lacordaire.

Firewood for the Soul: Lightning Speed

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

A Vincentian Minute: What Why How 09

Fr. Rooney speaks about the things we do, and why and how we do it. This week: collaboration with non-believers.

Investment or Expense?

In a country where some children as young as five have to generate income, education seems an unaffordable investment.

Slaves in the Same Way as Jesus

Slaves in the Same Way as Jesus

Jesus takes the form a slave and becomes like us.  We who seek to follow him are to become lowly slaves in the same way that he is.   For us who try to be and live as Jesus, to be first means to be slaves (Mk 10, 43-45). And today’s gospel teaches the same lesson. ...