
To Love Another Person Is To See the Face of God (Part IV)

This is the last segment devoted to this theme. In the last installment I told a story in which I attempted to communicate some of the presuppositions that can prevent one from actually loving another person. (Part IV)

January 25th, a Pivotal Date for the Vincentian Family and the Congregation of the Mission

On January 25th, the feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, we celebrate the foundation of the Congregation of the Mission.

The Original Apostolates of the Congregation of the Mission

As part of a lecture given at the Centre International de Formation (CIF), Father John E. Rybolt, C.M. outlines the history of the apostolic activity of the Congregation of the Mission. Thank you to DePaul University for posting the Selected Works of Fr. Rybolt...

Holy Cross Chaplet for Deliverance from Covid-19

Fr Joseph J Arackal offers this Holy Cross Chaplet for Deliverance from Covid-19.

Vincentian Charism ~ Beatitude People

Vincentian Charism ~ Beatitude People

Vincentian Day of Fast and Prayer – Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Vincentian Charism - Charism is a mystery. The meaning of the charism is revealed during the course of history and the Vincentian experience. No one — not even Saint Vincent — completely understands all the...

VFCAP goes to Taiwan!

VFCAP goes to Taiwan!

Knowing the need for deeper collaboration among Vincentian Family groups in Taiwan, the Congregation of the Mission Chinese Province organized a workshop for Vincentian collaboration last week, May 16-19, 2016 . Ms. Pamela Mantuhac, a member of the design-team of...

St. Louise and the Blessed Trinity

St. Louise and the Blessed Trinity

It may be difficult for us to see any kind of practical relevance in the doctrine of the Trinity; it remains a mystery. But consider how Fr. Jerome Magat explains it in a May 24, 2013 article called Imitating the Trinity: The Trinity reveals to us the master plan of...

Pestered by God?

Pestered by God?

Have you ever felt pestered by God? Tracy Kemme, SC has…and I suspect we all have at one point or another. Although she writes out of her experience as a young Sister of Charity of Cincinnati I suspect she is tapping into something that many can relate to regardless...