
Transforming lives at Sister Visitor

Sister of Charity of Nazareth Paris Slapikas, who took the helm of Catholic Charities of Louisville’s Sister Visitor Center June 1, aims to work with the center’s staff to transform the lives of those they serve.

The Big Hearted (Micah 6:6-8; Rev 14:13; Lk 8:4-15)

This homily was preached at a recent anniversary Mass for Fr. Joseph Daly, C.M. — a Vincentian priest beloved of many,

How Christ-like Do You Think You Are?

When St. Paul asks us to “put on the mind of Christ” he has much more in mind than mouthing Jesus’ words.

Obsess about Having Money and Security

Jesus teaches by word and deed that we cannot serve God and money.  Hence, to obsess about making money is to reject his teaching. The man who draws to Jesus seems to obsess about being saved.  For he runs up to him and quickly kneels down.  Of course, he also...
A Vincentian View: The Lord Hears

A Vincentian View: The Lord Hears

A Vincentian View: The Lord Hears A number of phrases in the Scriptures of the past weeks have stayed in the front of my mind. I have felt the truth of these words and the considerable summons which they offer. From one hearing, they bring consolation and...

Ready, Holding Lamps that Are Burning

Ready, Holding Lamps that Are Burning

Jesus is the bridegroom whom we await.  We will enter with him into the wedding feast, if with wisdom we stay awake and are ready, with our lamps burning. Jesus informs us that we really do not know the day or the hour of his coming.  He can come any day, even at an...