
The Congregation of the Mission in Ireland

Learn about the Congregation of the Mission in Ireland in this video produced by Vincentian Family Ireland.

Are You a Cafeteria Catholic?

Over the decades I have noticed that the connotation of “Cafeteria Catholic“ varies according to who is doing the calling and what the issue is.

Your choice! – “Bridge” or “soft incarceration”?

I have read about the need for shelters and rapid rehousing. But Robert Davis, writing for Invisible People, captured an insight in two metaphors – “Bridge” and “soft incarceration.”

Stumbling Along ‘The Way’ (Mark 10:35-45)

Most of us know the image backing the word “scandalize;” i.e., somebody tripping over a stone in the road.

A Giving Tuesday Morning #IamVincent

A Giving Tuesday Morning #IamVincent

It was Giving Tuesday. While most college students were sound asleep Tuesday morning, Justin Crawford woke up early to volunteer at Community Missions of Niagara Frontier. By 6:15 a.m., the Niagara University junior and several of his peers were clad in hairnets and...

Gospel of Jesus, Messiah and Son of God

Gospel of Jesus, Messiah and Son of God

The Gospel, the Good News, is Jesus himself, his preaching, his ministry.  That is why his presence fills us with consolation, joy and hope. The Gospel implies newness, which shows up in the beginning.  That is because John the Baptist is a different, a new, prophet....