
Being The Beloved (Isaiah 40:11: Lk 3:22)

A gift – something given over freely, with good will and coming not from obligation but from good will and esteem. It raises the question: of all the gifts to receive, which would be the most valuable and precious?

If I were John the Baptist…

In the back of my head, I have wondered why Jesus was baptized. After all, Jesus is the Son of God. He is sinless. There had to be something more.

Traditions, Customs, and Habits

Jesus makes all things new.  Hence, he questions traditions and customs, most of all, those that veil his true face. Jesus and his disciples are at a wedding.  There too is his mother.  And the wedding, no doubt, follows the traditions and customs of the Jews. But as...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XV

While the rich have many persons to serve them, the poor have no servants but the Daughters of Charity.

A Canadian View: Migrant Workers in Canada

A Canadian View: Migrant Workers in Canada

In Canada we use a fair number of migrant workers in the agricultural field. The federal government offers a  temporary seasonal worker program for this need. Many of these workers come from Mexico and other central America countries, as well as Jamaica. While in...

The Face of Forgiveness

The Face of Forgiveness

The Face of Forgiveness (Psalm 4) In perhaps an awkward way of putting it, one of the psalms has us asking a favor from a face – the face of God. “Lord let your face shine upon us” and a little later, “Let the light of Your face shine upon us.” (Ps. 4). The phenomenon...