
The Congregation of the Mission: Revitalizing Our Identity

Some preparatory materials are being provided ahead of the 2022 CM General Assembly, for reflection and sharing. One of the documents is “The identity of the CM at the beginning of its fifth centenary” by Vinícius Augusto Teixeira, CM.

Pope Francis – Mothers Hold Things Together!

We hope that everything will be all right and then, like a bolt from the blue, an unexpected problem arises. Our expectations clash painfully with reality. 

Quick Quiz On Homelessness (Most Will Flunk)

Everything you thought you knew about the homeless population is wrong, at least if your source is the one most people cite- the media or your own personal experience.

A Vincentian View: The Synod and the Spirit

Whenever I have taught the Epistles of Paul or instructed lectors on these texts, I emphasize that one must read these letters as if they were addressed to oneself and to a Christian community gathered to hear them. 

A Canadian View: Poverty and Human Dignity

A Canadian View: Poverty and Human Dignity

The first Principle of Catholic Social Teaching is the Principle of Human Dignity which states that Every human being is created in the image of God and redeemed by Jesus Christ, and therefore is invaluable and worthy of respect as a member of the human family. The...

A Vincentian View: Family Gatherings

A Vincentian View: Family Gatherings

In the past two weeks, I have been to two important family events. One, a wedding in Milwaukee, enabled me to be surrounded by my brothers and sisters and their spouses for a few days.  It was wonderful to be together and talk about our parents and their children. I...

Sowers of the Seed of the Kingdom of God

Sowers of the Seed of the Kingdom of God

Jesus is the Sower of the seed of the kingdom of God.  This Teacher wants his disciples to imitate him and be sowers who put their trust in God and are persevering. Our own failures and opposition from people can easily discourage us and make us tire of doing good. ...