
A Canadian View: A Culture of Encounter

While we pride ourselves as Vincentians, on our efforts of charity and justice, how often do we really hear what those we serve are telling us?

A Vincentian View: The Prophet

This scripture reminds us of our responsibility to honor the prophets among us. 

Fishers of Men and Women, Sinners All

Jesus is the leading fisher of men and women.  Those he calls are also, though sinners, to be fishers of other sinners. Jesus tells Simon, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”  And Simon answers, “Teacher, we have worked hard all night and have...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XVIII

The originality of Saint Vincent’s version of Christianity is one of the reasons that he is one of the great saints in history.

Acting For Equality — in Faith

Acting For Equality — in Faith

Acting For Equality -- in Faith (2 Corinthians 8:13; Mk 5: 25-34) If you’re looking for a topical subject in the Scriptures, you wouldn’t have to go much further than the one Paul brings up in a request to the Corinthians. He’s asking them to help their poorer...

Wanted Very Urgently Indeed: Prophets

Wanted Very Urgently Indeed: Prophets

Jesus is the definitive answer to the prayers of those who bemoan that there are no prophets.  That is how wanted prophets are. That prophets are that wanted is clear in the lament, “Now we see no signs, we have no prophets.”  We read something like it in Lam 2, 9. ...