
Circular Letter from the President General of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

We are pleased to announce that this year’s Circular Letter, written by the International President General, has been published.

The Pope Video • For Religious Sisters and Consecrated Women

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For Religious Sisters and Consecrated Women.

Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, DC: a teacher of life, a messenger of love

There was a time, not so long ago, when a woman, full of enthusiasm and vocation for the weakest children of society, gave her life to educate a great generation of young people who, thanks to her, found the strength to change their lives.

The “Broccoli Approach” to Synodality

We probably should thank Alka-Seltzer for a phrase used by most mothers. (It seems they all went to the same “Mommy School”)

Repent and Believe in the Gospel

Repent and Believe in the Gospel

Jesus, though without sin, embodies what it means to repent.  He calls us to preach repentance and become the visible and effective sign of what we preach. Jesus begins his public ministry, proclaiming:  “The kingdom of God is at hand.  Repent and believe in the...

Parish Becomes Intercultural

Parish Becomes Intercultural

4,800 miles. That's how far our Guatemalan parishioners traveled from their villages to get to Cincinnati. Each of those miles meant stepping further away from their families and homeland, and closer to an uncertain future in a strange country. And yet they kept...

A Sacramental Imagination

A Sacramental Imagination

Catholics live in an enchanted world, a world of statues and holy water, stained glass and votive candles, saints and religious medals, rosary beads and holy pictures. But these Catholic paraphernalia are mere hints of a deeper and more pervasive religious sensibility...