
Gifts of Christ Who Has Gone up to Heaven

Jesus Christ goes up to heaven and gives gifts to men and women.  He wants them to grow up fully and be wholly human as he. We ask our Father in heaven many things.  And the good things we ask for are summed up in his gift of the Holy Spirit (Lk 11, 13).  Hence, this...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XXXV

One of the reasons for Saint Vincent de Paul to be considered a key figure in the history of the holiness of the Church is his style of living his vocation. Each week we will present an example.

May 30: Blessed Marta Wiecka, D.C.

“The great things God does within a human soul are simple. Sanctity simply means love.” – Sr. Jozefa Watroba, D.C.

Where is human dignity, I ask?

On Monday, May 9, 2022, Maya Davis, a graduating nursing student, gave the following sermon in our last Religion 399 African American Faith and Social Justice class. I asked Maya if I could share her words with the world. Let the words of her mouth and the meditations of her heart be acceptable, Oh Lord.