
Accompanying the Journey of a Refugee. What Have we heard? What Action will we Take in the Future?

The Second International Conference of the FamVin Homeless Alliance took place in Sevilla (June 7-9). During that time the participants reflected on the reality of refugees, displaced and abused individuals.

Life of Felix DeAndreis, C.M.

A brief life of Father Felix deAndreis, C.M. (Slide presentation)

Discovering the True Simplicity of Sainthood with St. Mary Magdalene and Mother Seton

In the lives of these two saints – one so modern, the other so ancient – the Church reminds us of what it means to be a saint: staying close to Christ.

Do You Have Memories of Your Grandparents?

My personal relationship with my grandparents is complicated. I never knew either my father’s or mother’s parents. Yet I know more about my great grandparents than just about anyone reading these words.

Thankful for Healing and Salvation

Thankful for Healing and Salvation

Jesus is the last revelation of divine salvation to Israel and the nations. It is right, then, that all show themselves thankful to him always and everywhere. Nine of the ten lepers that Jesus has healed do not show that they are thankful. For only a Samaritan, who...