

No matter how you arrive at the role of caregiver, whether suddenly or gradually, there is a spiritual component to caregiving.

The Treasures’s Location (Hebrews 11:1-19; Lk. 12:32-48)

“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” (Lk 12:34)These words of Jesus shine a light on what it is that a given society values — what it treasures most, what tops its list of things most sought after?

If These Moccasins Could Speak!

Have you ever walked a mile in another’s moccasins? … in the moccasins of their sufferings?

Burn with Zeal for the Kingdom of God

Jesus cannot but burn with zeal for God’s kingdom.  For he has come to proclaim it, to bring it in, and to bring it about to the full. In many places, trees, houses and other things burn in fires.  We are sorry, of course, for the deaths, losses and harm that fires...
Discern and Welcome Christ’s Kingship

Discern and Welcome Christ’s Kingship

Jesus has come to serve and give his life as a ransom for all. Those who belong to him discern and welcome his kingship. The inscription on the cross proclaims Jesus as the king of the Jews. And it is the truth: he is the king of the Jews and of the universe. But who...