
Vincent de Paul: Saint of Charity, Saint of Justice

Fr. Alvaro Quevedo Patarroyo, C.M. gives us food for thought in his article "Saint Vincent, Priest of Charity at the Service of the Poor: Caring for Spiritual and Temporal Needs" (Vincentiana: Vol. 44 : No. 3, Article 6.)   [slideshare...

If Cathedrals Could Speak… Would We Listen?

The TV coverage of the Queen’s funeral allowed us to see the inside of Westminster Abbey from many angles. The Abbey is rich in history and could tell many stories.

The Pope Video • For the Abolition of the Death Penalty

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For the Abolition of the Death Penalty.

A Vincentian View: Kindred Spirits

Whom would Vincent consider as close to his heart in thinking and serving? 

Heed Everything that Jesus Tells Us

Heed Everything that Jesus Tells Us

Jesus speaks with us and tells us everything. He fills those who, hungry and thirsty for a full life, heed everything that he tells them. The Samaritan woman does not expect Jesus to ask her for a drink or heed her words. But Jesus does both. For he does not look down...