
Jesus – the Ultimate Bridge Builder

Over a lifetime, we each learn the stories of where we fit and don’t fit, and who are our good and bad guys.

Journey Through Lent With Saints Vincent and Louise (March 08)

St. Vincent and St. Louise speak to us in a brief quote for each day of Lent.

Vincentian Lay Missionaries – Going Forth in Synodality

At this time we are readying ourselves to take part in the GREAT VINCENTIAN MISSION OF BAJO CAUCA AND LA MOJANA SUCREÑA whose theme will be: “Baptized in the Spirit to participate in building the Reign of God.” 

Lent 2023: Our Lady of Lourdes, With Anne DeSantis

A video about the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes and a reflection on how we can embrace the Blessed Mother’s example during Lent.

In Search of Dignity

In Search of Dignity

We as human beings, throughout the world, are faced with a problem that should be causing each of us to search inside ourselves and ask “am I responsible for someone’s loss of dignity?”