
Take Time to “Go Off line”

In the Gospel, there is a passage which shows how Jesus wanted us to be persons who dedicate some time to be oneself, away from our works and all other distractions. The apostles, after their mission when they returned, Jesus said to them; “Come away to a deserted...

A Vincentian Minute: The Fire Inside

“Living in Imitation of the Trinity” – Fr. Rooney continues a short series on the special feasts in the wake of the celebration of Pentecost.

“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time” Reflection on Vincentian Virtues

To the question “how do you eat an elephant?” a wise man answered “one bite at a time.”

Being Evangelized By The Poor

The phrase “the poor evangelize us” is an experience common to all who have encountered the poor.

Visits that Are Christian, Marian, Vincentian

Visits that Are Christian, Marian, Vincentian

Jesus is the fullness of God’s visits to us humans to save us.  The visits we pay to our neighbor should be like Jesus’. Mary is besides herself after the angel Gabriel’s visit.  That is to say, she cannot keep her joy to herself.  So, she goes in haste, since she has...