
The Heart of Jesus In the Spirituality of Vincent de Paul

In his writings and conferences, St. Vincent makes many mentions of the Heart of Jesus. Learn more in this presentation based on an article by Fr. Robert Maloney, CM.

Lyrics That Lead to Prayer

“Life is not tried, it is merely survived, if you’re standing outside the fire.” When country singer Garth Brooks wrote those lyrics in 1993, I wonder if he thought it might lead to prayer.

My Experience in Uvalde, Texas

The Catholic Extension asked for 10 Sister volunteers to be a part of their Fun Camp for the 3rd and 4th graders and their parents from Robb Elementary School.

Naming God (Exodus 34: 8-9; John 3:16)

Two people are in a conversation, asking how they feel about each other. After much back and forth, one says to the other, “How would you name that feeling?”

Keep Jesus Christ in Our Hearts

Keep Jesus Christ in Our Hearts

Jesus is the Son of God and the Brother of all men and women.  To belong to his family means to keep in the heart his teaching. Twelve-year old Jesus sits in the midst of the teachers.  He listens and asks them questions; all who hear him are amazed.  No doubt, it is...

Keep Jesus Christ in Our Hearts

Find Jesus Christ on the Outskirts

Jesus is born on the outskirts of Bethlehem, in a shelter for animals in bad weather.  There, yes, is where to find and touch him, and be touched by him. “Poignant and powerful, this is a real song, maybe just too real for some tastes.”  It is one of the many comments...