
When Children Ask About Homeless People

The children in your life are going to want to know why that person is sleeping on the sidewalk or pushing a shopping cart full of belongings.
The questions will vary. So should our answers.

A Vincentian View: Psalm 100

Sometimes, I need to preach on a Psalm.  This past Sunday, our liturgy offered Psalm 100 as our response to the first reading.  

Fears the Sent Ones Must Overcome

Jesus comes to his own people and they persecute him. This will also be the fate of his disciples. They waver due to their fears.  Jesus senses the fears that his apostles harbor. These are the twelve disciples he sends to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And...

Journeying From Opposites To Equals

I suspect we have all known relationships that should not have worked out… but did.

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Jesus is the one the Father has anointed with the Holy Spirit.  Hence, he cannot but baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire, and do good.  The baptized are to do the same. John the Baptist is simple and humble.  He does not want to let down those he has baptized or...