
The Pope Video • For a Eucharistic life

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For a Eucharistic Life.

Love: The Driving Force of St. Louise de Marillac’s Life

Slide presentation based on an article by Sr. Louise Sullivan, D.C.

Do These Images Speak To Polarization Today?

Two images, in particular, remind me of the limitations of what I see. They are helping me be more humble when I think of my conversations with those who do not view things the way I do.

Applications Open: Young Adult Vincentian Small Faith Community

Attention Young Adults Ages 18-35! The next Vincentian Small Faith Community cohort will begin in August 2023 and continue through December 2023. Apply Today!

Prayers and Changes for Good

Prayers and Changes for Good

Christ is always before the Father in prayer.  And it is while he prays that the appearance of his face changes and his clothing turns dazzling white.  Prayers make for good changes. In a forum in which exchange of ideas took place, a comment spoke of prayers as...