
Mortification: a Forgotten Virtue?

Introduction “Convince yourself that you will not enter into savour and sweetness of spirit unless you give yourself to the mortification of everything you desire,” said the mystic St John of the Cross. The savour and sweetness of spirit, therefore, will never be...

Trials of Life

There is an interesting conversation between St. Vincent and St. Louise which I read many years back in a book about St. Vincent. The topic of conversation was,” why God allows sufferings in our life?”. Vincent tells to Louise, that “God can be compared to a sculptor...

Seton Shrine Offering Retreats To Those Who Need Them Most

Watch a video to hear one of the retreatants tell his story.

Four + One (Gospels) • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"As for myself, I don’t know, but God has given me such a high esteem of simplicity that I call it my Gospel. I have special devotion and consolation in saying things as they are." (CCD, IX, conference 52). "Everyone loves simple, candid people, who don’t use...
Palms of Martyrdom, of Witness

Palms of Martyrdom, of Witness

Jesus is the faithful witness and the King of martyrs.  To welcome him means to follow him to the end with palms in our hands. Of the four gospel writers, only John mentions palms.  Matthew and Mark speak only of “branches.”  Luke, for his part, says nothing at all...