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“Journey of the Heart” Lenten Video Series from Basilica Shrine of the Miraculous Medal – Part 7

Three people continue to contemplate the experience of Lenten prayer.

Lenten Conferences of Fr. Lacordaire No. 9

Lenten Series of reflections taken from the Conferences of the Rev. Lacordaire.

A Vincentian View: The Transfiguration – Listen

For the last years, I do not think that I have meditated on any theme more often that listening.  Most recently, the line that ends the story of the Transfiguration has attracted me. 

Lenten Conferences of Fr. Lacordaire No. 8

Lenten Series of reflections taken from the Conferences of the Rev. Lacordaire.

Disrupt the State of Affairs Today

Disrupt the State of Affairs Today

Jesus shows us his glory and mercy.  Such epiphany makes known that the time has come to disrupt things as they now are.  Magi from the east show up in Jerusalem.  And the question they ask turns out to undermine the powers that be.  For it troubles King Herod greatly...

Let Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Be Your Companion This Year

Let Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Be Your Companion This Year

Looking for a role model to inspire your New Year’s resolutions? Who better than St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, America’s first native-born Saint, whose feast day falls on January 4. She overcame the same obstacles we struggle with in our own lives. A friend we can identify with is one we are more likely to emulate.