
A Vincentian View: The Spes Gregis

The “spes gregis” was one of the earliest terms that I heard applied to my classmates and me when we entered the high school seminary. 

What’s In a Name? Was Shakespeare Wrong?

Shakespeare wrote “What’s in a name?  A rose is a rose by any other name.” What someone or something is called or labeled is arbitrary compared to their or its intrinsic qualities.

Deny Themselves, Bear Their Own Cross, Follow Christ

Jesus is all things to all.  He leads those who live for others and deny themselves.  For they do not seek their own good, but the neighbor’s. Peter is blessed.  For in the first place, the Father, not flesh and blood, lets him know who Jesus is.  In the second place,...

Vincentian Prayer Images – Art By Vincentians 19

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of artwork made by members of the Vincentian Family.

Ladies of Charity Advocacy: On Gun Safety Legislation

Ladies of Charity Advocacy: On Gun Safety Legislation

Recent events have shocked and horrified our nation once again. In Buffalo New York, ten mostly senior African Americans were gunned down while they did their usual Saturday afternoon grocery shopping. Less than two weeks later in Uvalde Texas nineteen mostly Mexican...

Bless, Break, Share, and Serve

Bless, Break, Share, and Serve

Christ shares his blood with us as we bless with him the cup of thanksgiving.  And he shares his body as we break the bread. Nowadays, we voice out not so noble feelings; we rant.  We are more ready to curse than to bless, to tell others to their faces their faults,...