
Vincent de Paul: One of the great saints of history (Part 1)

Fr. José María Román, C.M. speaks to us about the religious experience of Saint Vincent de Paul.

St. Vincent de Paul and Mother Seton: A Match Made in Heaven

St. Vincent de Paul and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton weren’t holy card or fairy-tale figures, but flesh and blood human beings who struggled with earthly dreams.

A Vincentian Minute: Things About Vincent 02

Fr. Rooney talks about St. Vincent de Paul during the month of September, also known as “Vincentian Month”. This episode is called “Matters of the Heart”.

Commit to the Poor of Flesh and Blood

Jesus goes about doing good; he loves in deed and truth.  He does not just commit to an ideology.  St. Vincent is like him. St. Vincent wants those who follow him to commit with zeal to those who are poor (SV.FR XI:133-137).  And it seems that he himself cannot but...
Bother Those of Strict Observance

Bother Those of Strict Observance

Jesus shows us God who is rich in mercy.  He welcomes sinners and eats with them.  This does bother not a few folks. Maybe the Pharisees and the scribes think Jesus likes to bother them since they are the guardians of the law.  For he stands up to them when they tell...