
Vincentian Prayer Images – Art By Vincentians 24

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of artwork made by members of the Vincentian Family.

Blessed are the poor in spirit – a Call to relationship

I recently read a reflection written by Clarence Jordan, founder of Koinonia Farm, who was trying to find a word that best describes “blessed”

A Vincentian Minute: Things About Vincent 03

Fr. Rooney talks about St. Vincent de Paul during the month of September, also known as “Vincentian Month”. This episode is called “Martyrdom”.

Anecdotes of the Vincentian Family: A Male-Only Society in its Beginnings

In times of Frédéric Ozanam, women were virtually absent from the university. That is why, having emerged the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in the vicinity of the Parisian university, in its early days women did not participate in it. The first female Society of...
Crucible That Tests Our Hearts

Crucible That Tests Our Hearts

Jesus is the only one that his disciples need to know and speak of.  From the cross, he proclaims that those who are his go through the crucible.  They thus get to be just like him. “The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, but the one that tests...

Crucible That Tests Our Hearts

Cut off from Us All Self-Sufficiency

Jesus is “God-with-us.”  And that is why disciples should not cut off God and their neighbor from their lives. The man whose life is one of luxury and show is very rich:  stylish clothes, lavish banquets.  He is cut off, for sure, from the beggar; the two are worlds...