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Famvin 2024

“Letter of St. Louise de Marillac” to the Vincentian Family, on the Occasion of the Second Convocation in Rome, November 14-17 #famvin2024

Can you imagine what St. Louise de Marillac would say to us if she wrote a letter to her spiritual descendants today? This article is just a literary exercise, but perhaps it could be something like this.

Strengthening Vincentian Collaboration: Reflections and Challenges in the Service to the Poor #famvin2024

Excerpt from an Address of John Darley, at the Vincentian Family gathering in Rome, Italy (January 22 – 24, 2016).

The Heart of a Vincentian 08 #famvin2024

“The Heart of a Vincentian – Coming Soon November 2024” by Sr. Mary McCormick, Sister of Charity of New York.

La Union-Chrétienne de Saint Chaumond: a Story of Devotion and Faith #famvin2024

The Union-Chrétienne de Saint Chaumond is a women’s institute of consecrated life of pontifical right, founded in 1652 by St. Vincent de Paul and the Venerable Madame de Polallion.