Congregation of the Mission

“Renewal of Vincentian Spirituality” Part 2

This is the second in a series of presentations based on the article The Revitalization of Vincentian Spirituality, by John P. Prager, CM.   Download PPT   Download...

The Congregation of the Mission of Saint Vincent de Paul Celebrates its XLIII General Assembly

Theme: Revitalizing our identity at the beginning of the 5th century of the Congregation of the Mission. During the Assembly the Leadership Team of the Congregation will be elected. The celebration of the Eucharist on Monday, June 27th, 2022, which will be presided by...

Opening Mass of the General Assembly 2022 of the Congregation of the Mission

On June 27, the XLIII General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission will be held in Rome.

“Renewal of Vincentian Spirituality” Part 1

The XLIII General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission will take place from 27 June to 15 July 2022. The theme of the Assembly is: "Revitalizing our identity at the beginning of the 5th century of the Congregation of the Mission". Visit the official page of the...