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Brothers CMM

Opening of the General Chapter of the Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy (CMM)

On Monday morning, November 8, the General Chapter of the Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy (CMM) was officially opened with a Eucharistic Celebration.

A Humble Donation with a Big Result

Recently the general board of the CMM Brothers was able to grant a request from St. Vincent Mixed Secondary School in Oyugis (Kenya) and send them a donation from a well-wisher.

“I Was Imprisoned and You Came to Visit Me”

We hope to inspire our readers to view their incarcerated sisters or brothers as human beings with whom Jesus himself identified.

175 Years of the Congregation of Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy Celebrated Worldwide

The 175-year Jubilee of the Congregation of Brothers of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy (CMM) was celebrated with various activities.