.famvin TEAM
Simplicity In Our Living • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent
"I’m well aware that people think of simplicity in general as truth or purity of intention: truth, because it sees that our thoughts conform to the words and other signs by which we express them; purity of intention, because it makes all our acts of virtue tend...
Fundraising for CM Senior Priests’ Health Care in Indonesia
An event was held in Surabaya, Indonesia to raise funds for the Congregation of the Mission senior priests’ health care.
Reflecting on Charity Moving Forward
An energetic, inspirational, and forward-looking gathering of a segment of the Federation was held in July.
Colorado Vincentian Volunteers (CVV) 29
August has been filled with excitement, curiosity, community, and Vincentians! We are so excited for the 2023/2024 Colorado Vincentian Volunteers (CVV) group.
NEW Museum & Visitor Center Opens Friday at the Seton Shrine
Immerse yourself in the inspiring story of one of America’s saints at the new Seton Shrine Museum and Visitor Center.
The Origin of the Vincentian Charism in the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul • A Weekly reflection with Vincent
"On the day of the conversion of St. Paul, who is the 25th, this lady asked me —said Father Vincent— "to have a sermon in the church of Folleville to exhort its inhabitants to the general confession. So I did. I preached them on its importance and usefulness, and then...
Welcome Home Project Provides Safe Housing for Displaced Families
At the end of 2018, The Vincentian Family started to work on the Welcome Home Project to provide safe housing for 32 displaced families in Parramos, Chimaltenango.
New Project: Famvin Newsletter
Introducing the bulletin “FamVin News,” a new project for all the Vincentian Family.
Live with a Higher Purpose
There is a beautiful story which tells us about the importance living with a sense of higher purpose in our daily life. Once a man was passing by a construction site. The workers were busy with their different kinds works. He was curious to know what they were doing....
God Reveals His Will to the Little Ones • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent
"Another thing that recommends simplicity to us in a wonderful way are those words of Our Lord, I confess to you, Father, because you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and have revealed them to little ones (Mt 11:25). I acknowledge this, Father, and...