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Mortification: a Forgotten Virtue?

Mortification: a Forgotten Virtue?

Introduction “Convince yourself that you will not enter into savour and sweetness of spirit unless you give yourself to the mortification of everything you desire,” said the mystic St John of the Cross. The savour and sweetness of spirit, therefore, will never be...

Trials of Life

Trials of Life

There is an interesting conversation between St. Vincent and St. Louise which I read many years back in a book about St. Vincent. The topic of conversation was,” why God allows sufferings in our life?”. Vincent tells to Louise, that “God can be compared to a sculptor...

“Rosalie Projects”: When will you be back?

“Rosalie Projects”: When will you be back?

While traveling through the communities around Eleme (Nigeria) to provide medical assistance to those in need, the Daughters of Charity came across a large number of people suffering from severe mental disorders, wandering the streets and/or exposed to inhumane treatment.