Called to Holiness: New Wine, New Wineskins

Mary Frances Jaster
January 1, 2024

Called to Holiness: New Wine, New Wineskins

by | Jan 1, 2024 | Formation, Reflections

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MISEVI International is hosting an Extraordinary Assembly in Bogota, Colombia, April 10-13, 2024.  Our theme, Called to Holiness:  New Wine, New Wineskins, reflects not only the future of MISEVI, but also our rootedness in the Gospel.

“Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” Matthew 9:17

MISEVI is finding new meaning in this Scripture as we grow in our understanding of lay mission work in the Vincentian family.  What is the new wineskin offered by new members of MISEVI?  What is the new wineskin offered by new perspectives on mission?  What is the new wineskin offered by an approach to meeting that invites voices from all members of MISEVI?

We hope that these and other questions will enlighten MISEVI as we move into the future.  Our Extraordinary Assembly will follow a synodal process of listening, sharing, praying, and listening some more.  This time of gathering as representatives of 18 member countries (National Associations) will offer us time to address 5 goals:

  1. To better understand the present reality of Vincentian Lay Mission in 2024
  2. To provide Spiritual Formation for members at  the Assembly
  3. To select a new international MISEVI team
  4. To dream for the next 20 years
  5. To  agree on plans for a new phase (restructuring) of MISEVI International

Pope Francis inspires us.  “We are called to unity, communion, the fraternity born of the realization that all of us are embraced by the one love of God … In the one People of God.  Therefore, let us journey together, in order to experience a Church that receives and lives this gift of unity, and is open to the voice of the Spirit.”  

May the Holy Spirit guide us in this journey, leading us to unity, communion and fraternity.


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