Vincentian Advent Reflections 2023 - Week 1

Famvin Media Resources
December 1, 2023

Vincentian Advent Reflections 2023 – Week 1

by | Dec 1, 2023 | Formation, Reflections | 2 comments

from an Advent letter of G. Gregory Gay, C.M., former Superior General. The core of this Advent letter is taken from comments I received in reference to my circular of 11 September.

A person gave a beautiful reflection concerning “gift-giving” and giving ourselves as gift, saying:

If all of us who are called to be faithful to St. Vincent’s spirit could see ourselves as gift to those whom we serve, whether that be in missions ad gentes, popular missions, parish work, administration, hospitals, or teaching, what a wonderful thing that would be. Ask yourselves… “Do I see myself as gift?”

Christmas, for which Advent is a preparation, is traditionally a time of gift-giving. Let us reflect on our own giftedness and our giving of ourselves as gift to those whom we serve this Advent season.

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  1. Bro. Leo van de Weijer

    Dear Friends,

    I was happy with this Advent letter. We have in our community as well every day a moment of examination of conscience and I use myself the following way: I use one of the slogans of the cube of love that Chiara Lubich has introduced : “I love Jesus in every person”. I go through the day and I ask myself “how did I love the persons that I have met during this day, did I really see Jesus in them? Many times I forget that presence of Jesus in every person. Then I ask forgiveness for that.

    • Famvin Media Resources

      Thank you very much, Brother Leo. I love this idea; it will be very helpful to those who read it and take it to heart

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