Systemic Change Commission to Offer Weekly Advent Reflections

November 10, 2022

Systemic Change Commission to Offer Weekly Advent Reflections

by | Nov 10, 2022 | Formation, Reflections | 1 comment

The image reads: In preparation for Christmas the Systemic Change Commission invites you to a weekly offering of Advent Reflections on the following topics: Vincentian Spirituality; Charity and Justice; Catholic Social Teaching; & Collaboration for Social Impact. The retreat will consist of weekly reflections starting with an introduction session outlining the topics for the following four weeks. All sessions will be posted weekly to FAMVIN beginning on the last Sunday of Ordinary Time. The format will enable groups and individual members to attend the retreat based on availability. We earnestly hope you will take the time to experience this Systemic Change inspired Advent Retreat. We believe this will aid spiritual growth and revitalize and urge us to make a more fruitful commitment to service.

1 Comment

  1. James Ruiz

    Thank You, Thank You, for doing this for all of us Vincentians.

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