New Series: The Vincentian Family & Laudato Si’
“In the heart of this world, the Lord of life, who loves us so much, is always present. He does not abandon us, he does not leave us alone, for he has united himself to our earth, and his love constantly impels us to find new ways forward. Praise be to him!” – Pope Francis, Laudato Si’
As we celebrated the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’ in May of 2020, we also embark on a one-year celebration from May 24, 2020 to May 24, 2021. There are many valuable quotes and observations made by Pope Francis in Laudato Si’ but I in particular recall this one: “The misuse of creation begins when we no longer recognize any higher instance than ourselves, when we see nothing else but ourselves.”
There have been and will continue to be many views, statements and interpretations of Laudato Si as we continue to read and re-read this beautiful encyclical letter. Theologians and scholars will provide us with some wonderful and informative insights on Care for our Common Home.
When we read Laudato Si’ as Vincentians, there exists an opportunity to explore this letter from a viewpoint that many may not be aware of or fully appreciate. There is an eternal relationship between God, our common home and our fellow global citizens who are directly affected by the lack of care for our common home, and who must live in a world of poverty. Vincentians can understand how our neighbours and friends in need are affected by the failure of nations to place a higher level of importance on ensuring every human being is given the opportunity to live their lives on an equal level with all of us.
Today we begin biweekly articles for the Famvin website that seek to inform, share and support our Vincentian mission and values in relation to Laudato Si’. There will be a variety of articles in the coming weeks and months that we sincerely hope will engage, encourage and enhance our understanding of how Vincentians can live their charism as an extension of Laudato Si’ and Pope Francis’ calls to action. You are welcome to comment on these articles, and if you would like to contribute an article please contact us.
Jim Paddon, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Canada
Sr. Carol DeAngelo, SCNY
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC Halifax
The Vincentian Charism and Laudato Si’ is our effort to share various ways that Vincentians find their charism connects with Laudato Si’. We encourage your comments on these posts and welcome anyone interested in submitting an article to email Jim Paddon at
So glad for this series in the 5th anniversary year. Thank you.
A very good idea. I would like to contribute. Could you forward some guidelines please e.g. word count
Hi Anna and thank you for your interest in contributing an article, which we would welcome.
The topic of integral ecology would be a great one.
Max. words -500. ( I think if a little over the limit it would OK) You could also include a link which Famvin would place with article.
Submission should come to at
Not any real issue with a deadline as we have articles ready for Nov. and Dec. so if you could send yours to me by early Dec. we could post in January.