“I know that God does not forget us,” Véronique, from the Mahama Refugee Camp in Rwanda

May 17, 2020

“I know that God does not forget us,” Véronique, from the Mahama Refugee Camp in Rwanda

by | May 17, 2020 | Formation, Reflections

“My name is Véronique and I am 91 years old. I have been in the Mahama Refugee Camp in Rwanda since 2015 with my granddaughter. She takes care of me.

In the five years that I have been here, life has not been easy. There is not a single day that I have had enough food. Many times, I only have porridge before I go to sleep, and then I sleep badly because my stomach always wants  more. I feel dizzy at night because of hunger.

Now that there is this coronavirus disease, the situation has gotten worse, especially for us who are old.  We have even less food for all of us in the camp.

I know that God does not forget us, and this morning our Chaplain, Father Henri Matsinga CM, visited me and gave me money to buy me something to eat, some salt and some oil. His visit reassured me that God really is present with us at this very difficult time of not knowing  when this disease will disappear in the world.

I am convinced that God will not allow this disease to kill all these human beings created with Love.

May God bless all who help us enormously.”

Source: famvin Homeless alliance


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