Keeping the charism alive after the Daughters

John Freund, CM
March 29, 2015

Keeping the charism alive after the Daughters

by | Mar 29, 2015 | Vincentian Family

DC LA GunnellA wonderful example of keeping the charism alive after the Daughters… “The Daughters of Charity brought the Mission to Jacksonville nearly 100 years ago. Each year on March 25th, the Daughters renew their religious vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and service to the poor,” said System Vice President of Mission Integration Tracie Loftis. “It is only fitting that St. Vincent’s and our associates use this day to renew our commitment to the Mission by helping feed thousands in our community who would otherwise go without food.”

Keep in mind the Daughters of Charity no longer serve St. Vincent’s Hospital.

See TV report of story on the occasion of the renovation of the vows of the Daughters of Charity “Local hospital makes meals for families in need – St. Vincent’s prepared 25,000 meals to distribute in community




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