The Ladies of Charity and Social Justice

John Freund, CM
October 22, 2014

LCUSA featured-generic-2Followers of Vincent  know how he spoke to power on behalf of the poor. As one of the 16 sponsoring organizations(along with the Society of St. VIncent dePaul) the Ladies of Charity will be speaking out for Social Justice at the 2015 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington, February -7-10.

From their website

Join the leadership of LCUSA and other U.S. leaders in Catholic social ministry and advocacy. Connect with colleagues from around the country, and meet current and emerging leaders sharing new energy and ideas. Excellent plenary presentations, briefings, and workshops will focus on pressing domestic and international social concerns and our response as Church. Then lend your voice to our advocacy for the common good with members of Congress.

Act now to be part of our special initiatives developing diverse leaders and young leaders in Catholic social ministry.

To register or for more information visit

Join the discussion and be part of the solution!

Register Now for the 2015 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering!
“To Go Forth: Encountering Christ in the Heart of the World”
February 7-10, 2015, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC
Special early bird registration rate ends November 14th.



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