Daily Reflection – February 21

Punctuality is an essential point to observe in the accomplishment of your duties. (CCD 12:408, 415, 435) - St. Vincent de Paul - Even if being on time is not a value to me, it is important to observe because the time of others is as important as mine is to me. When I...

Daily Reflection – February 19

"You should be strictly conscientious in the preparation of the medicines you handle." (CCD 10:539-540) - St. Vincent de Paul Whether I am responsible for preparation of medicines or not, teach me Lord to respect my own body by taking medication exactly as prescribed...

Daily Reflection – February 18

"The poor person, the patient, must be conscious that he is acknowledged as an individual, that he is respected, loved, treated on an equal footing and capable of giving as much as he receives." - Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. - O Lord, let me be consciously aware of the...

Daily Reflection – February 17

"Love is inventive to infinity." (CCD 11:131) - St. Vincent de Paul - Inventiveness takes a lot of energy and prayer. It is much safer to rely on the 'tried and true' than to risk failure in order to come up with ideas never thought of before. Lord, be my inspiration...

Daily Reflection – February 16

"Every day we must direct our actions anew towards God and make them pass from the demands of nature to the call of grace." - Mother Suzanne Guillemin, D.C. - Lord, as I begin this brand new day, help me to think less of my own selfish desires and more of others.

Daily Reflection – February 15

"It requires fortitude to be silent concerning personal ills and fatigue." - St. Vincent de Paul - When I am tempted to relate every detail about my personal problems, Lord, help me to keep them to myself, realizing that others must deal with sufferings far greater...

Daily Reflection – February 14

Writing to encourage establishment of conferences in Siena: "You have rich children, O My Father, what a useful and beneficial lesson and how strengthening to enervated hearts to show them the poor; that is, to show them Jesus Christ not only in images painted by the...

Reflections Quotes