Daily Reflection – May 23

"The more you give to our Lord, the more blessings you will receive. His yoke is sweet to him who embraces it willingly." (CCD 7:203) - St. Vincent de Paul - Today, Lord, in thanksgiving for your many blessings, I will find a little time to spend with a lonely or...

Daily Reflection – May 22

"Do not burden yourself with rules and practices; strengthen yourself to fulfill well those you have, especially as regards your daily actions and employments; in short, let your greatest concern be to do well what you do." (CCD 1:375-6) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord,...

Daily Reflection – May 21

"If only we have courage, we will go to heaven on horseback instead of idling and creeping along." (CW 2:156) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - I will pray today for fortitude, that wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit, which will enable me to overcome whatever stands in the...

Daily Reflection – May 20

"A grain of charity suffices to calm many anxieties and ease many differences." (CCD 1:572) - St. Vincent de Paul - Heavenly Father, when the opportunity to be a peacemaker comes my way, help me to accept it and show your love equally to those with opposing views.

Daily Reflection – May 19

"You see a great deal of distress that you are unable to relieve. God sees it also. Bear the pains of the poor together with them, doing all you can to give them whatever help they need, and remain in peace." (SW: 396) - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, when I feel...

Daily Reflection – May 18

"Gently and imperceptibly, the angels inspire us to do good and then leave us perfectly free to do it or not." (CCD 8:224) - St. Vincent de Paul - I am grateful, Lord, for those countless promptings to do good which come my way and the loving protection of your...

Daily Reflection – May 17

"We must learn the hard lesson of submission; and once this has been accomplished, everything that comes after will be rendered easy." (CW 1:28) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Why do I find it so hard to completely turn my life over to you, Lord? Drive away from me the...

Daily Reflection – May 16

"Those whom you serve should feel the efforts of your kindheartedness." (CCD 9:430) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, let the great love I know you have for me, shine through my actions so others may experience your great loving compassion.

Daily Reflection – May 15

"Our good God wishes that all which is past remain in oblivion. The only thing you have to do is make good use of the present, but you must ask this grace of Him." (SW: 371) - St. Louise de Marillac - How wonderful it is to know that I am forgiven so completely by...

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