Daily Reflection

"Have great trust in God. Ask Him to be always in your heart, in your words and in your actions and may everyone recognize that you are His." (CCD 2:231) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, be with me throughout this day that all I think do or say may identify me as...

Daily Reflection

"Eternity! That voice to be everywhere understood. Eternity! To love and serve Him only who is to be loved and eternally served and praised in heaven." (CW 3a:523) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Heavenly Father, when I experience the grief of losing those I love in...

Daily Reflection

"I beg of you not to rush that affair, but let Divine Providence act." (CCD 3:368) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, I am so impatient to move ahead that I neglect to seek your counsel, sometimes even acting rashly. Inspire me with the wisdom to know when to wait and when...

Daily Reflection

"We must know how to dispose of our time with order and method, otherwise nothing is done; or if we do work, we get through very little, because the work is not regular. Irregularity and inconsistency never obtain a good result." - St. Vincent de Paul - When I find...

Daily Reflection

"More is required of us than to go, to come, and to give; our intentions should be pure and thoroughly devoid of self-interest." (SW: 260) - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, remove from me the desire to please others or have myself noticed because of what I do in your...

Daily Reflection

"Nature demands that trees be deeply rooted before they can bear fruit and this is a gradual process." (CCD 5:219) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, help me to realize that my spiritual growth is the work of a lifetime; I must be deeply rooted in you for my work to become...

Daily Reflection

"All ships are exposed to storms but are not thereby doomed to perish. May Our Lord be your Strength, your Protector, your Sanctifier." (CCD 6:473) - St. Vincent de Paul - Dear Father, be my ever present hope in the storm of life.

Daily Reflection

"Do we serve God in hope, looking to His promises, confiding in His love, seeking His kingdom, and leaving the rest to Him? Rejoice in hope, for Hope shall never be confounded." (CW 3a:332) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - To live with Hope, means to live in a state of...

Daily Reflection

"As I myself am a great sinner, I cannot reject those who have sinned if they have good will." (CCD 1:121) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, you have told me that I must forgive my brothers and sisters, as you have forgiven me. Forgive the stubbornness and pride which...

Daily Reflection

"God bestows a special blessing on the counsel we take in matters pertaining to his service." (CCD 11:38) - St. Vincent de Paul - When I need help, Lord, don't let my pride stand in the way of freely seeking the counsel I need.

Reflections Quotes