VinMore Pinterest mobile resources

As a part of the Mt 25 in a Digital Era event scheduled for May 5 we gathered a collection of the many ways Pinterest, one of the fastest growing social media platforms, can be used as a resource for Vincentian mobile ministries visit some of the following...

Pinterest as a tool of ministry

The hottest site on the internet at the moment is Pinterest. By its nature it is hard to describe. But if you want an idea of how it can be used in ministry  vinMORE’s attempt at a “board”. THis is one of the many channel’s being used in the...
Is there a Vincentian M.O.?

Is there a Vincentian M.O.?

Is there a Vincentian M.O. or MOBILE OPPORTUNITY? Our cell phones are tools as powerful as the printing press. Mobile technologies have truly changed how we view and interact with our world. They give us access to all kinds of social media. And  social media are...