Is there a Vincentian M.O.?

John Freund, CM
March 9, 2012

Is there a Vincentian M.O. or MOBILE OPPORTUNITY?

Our cell phones are tools as powerful as the printing press. Mobile technologies have truly changed how we view and interact with our world. They give us access to all kinds of social media. And  social media are already having a profound impact on our world. With mobile technologies come power… power for good or evil… or just trivial pursuits. The choice it ours.

Truly we have in our hands a MOBILE OPPORTUNITY!

Our cell phones can be tools in a revolution… a revolution of caring.  In ways we are just beginning to see we can use our cell phones in living out the message of Matthew 25. “I was hungry… a stranger, in prison… sick…”

As active followers of Vincent, Louise, Frederic, Elizabeth, etc., we should keep abreast of how mobile effects, amplifies, challenges, or changes our work with persons living in poverty.

We can use the power of mobile to share our love of God and neighbor message, speak stand with and speak on  behalf of the marginalized, fundraise, improve our world!

We invite you to engage in brainstorming the possibilities! Join us for the next 6 weeks in exploring the Vincentian M.O.

Visit the VINcentian Mobile Outreach REvolution at






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