Vincentian Family and Social Justice

Vincentian Family and Social Justice

Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill celebrate collaboration of National Vincentian Family on Social Justice Issues Social justice representatives from fifteen branches of the Vincentian Family in North America are collaborating on issues of peace, justice and integrity...
Round up of Charity Federation News

Round up of Charity Federation News

The Sisters of Charity of Halifax provide a periodic summary of events around the Sisters of Charity Federation. The June edition offers information about how the various members of the Federation have been involved with  the Nuns on the bus for immigration, a...
Sisters, Kentucky Derby and Trafficking

Sisters, Kentucky Derby and Trafficking

The Louisville Courier headlines Rally warns of human trafficking during this week of Kentucky Derby. The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth played a prominent role in raising  awareness of a potential spike in illegal human trafficking during Derby Week. Activists...