Vincentian Family and Social Justice

John Freund, CM
November 20, 2013

seton hill charitiesSisters of Charity of Seton Hill celebrate collaboration of National Vincentian Family on Social Justice Issues

Social justice representatives from fifteen branches of the Vincentian Family in North America are collaborating on issues of peace, justice and integrity of creation. The collaboration brings together representatives from ten Sisters of Charity congregations in North America as well as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, the Congregation of the Mission (East and West), the Ladies of Charity USA and the Vincentian lay missioners- MISEVI-USA.

Through dialogue about issues as well as sharing of resources and project designs, the group aims to strengthen the voice of the individual organizations, all of whom have a particular care for those living in poverty and on the margins of society. The representatives are collaborating on issues such as immigration reform and climate change. of the Mission (East and West), the Ladies of Charity USA and the Vincentian lay missioners- MISEVI-USA.

Monthly conversations are increasing awareness of efforts made by others in the Vincentian Family in the areas of advocacy and direct service. These conversations aid in building consensus and mobilizing larger numbers of advocates committed to peace, justice and the integrity of creation.

Participating in this new collaboration are both lay and religious groups committed to work with and on behalf of people living in poverty in the spirit of Saints Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac, Elizabeth Seton and others in this tradition. Participants include the Executive Director and the NGO of the Sisters of Charity Federation as well as representatives from the Ladies of Charity USA, the Sisters of Charity of New York, Saint Elizabeth, Cincinnati, Halifax, Nazareth, Leavenworth and Seton Hill, the Daughters of Charity of the West and the St. Louise Province, the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy, the Congregation of the Mission – Eastern and Western Provinces, the Vincentian lay missioners-MISEVI-USA and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – National Council of the United States.

Click on the links below to read two important statements approved at the Vincentian Family of North America Social Justice Representatives Conference on 9/25/2013

If you like the Sisters of Charity are compelled to care about social justice issues in our world, click here to go to the Social Justice Resource page of this website to learn more.

To learn more about how the Sisters of Charity collaborate with Sisters of Charity Federation of North America, click here to go to the Advocacy for Peace and Justice section of this website.

To learn more about the National Vincentian Family and Vincentian Spirituality, click here to go to the Spiritual Resource page of this website.


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